

为了纪念的英语短语 2023-10-18 19:15 816 墨鱼


能胜任的英语短语是:be qualified 胜任、有资格。例句:I hope I know the knowledge can be qualified for the wo关于胜任的相关短句be competent at a job; prove equal to the task; 胜任工作She is quite qualified for the work. 她完全胜任这个工作。He is not competent to the t

英['kwɒlɪfaɪd]释义:adj.合格的;有资格的v.限制(qualify的过去分词);描述;授权予[比较主要短语有:1、be equal to sth/doing sth 胜任做某事2、of equal importance 同等重要3、A equals B in …… A在某方面比得上B 4、without epual 无与伦比5、引申词:eq

百度试题结果1 题目胜任某事用英语怎么说相关知识点:试题来源:解析be competent for sthbe qualified for sth 反馈收藏表示胜任的英语短语有:be competent 胜任;称职;be equal to 等于; 胜任; 赶得上; 忍耐得住;be qualified 有资格扩展资料You must be competent to do the job. 你得有足够的能力

胜任的英语短语:be competent。be competent:胜任;称职;competent:adj.足以胜任的;有能力的;称职的;合格的;不错的;尚好的;有决定权的;派生词:competently adv. 扩展资料You must b百度试题结果1 题目胜任某事用英语怎么说相关知识点:试题来源:解析be competent for sth be qualified for sth 分析总结。胜任某事用英语怎么说反馈收藏

⊙﹏⊙ 篇2:胜任的英语短语You must be competent to do the job. 你得有足够的能力来做这项工作。Only this kind of talents can be competent for the task of public relation. 这种高考英语常用短语一、动词do构成的短语动词1.do well in在某方面做得好My cousin is a sailor and he is doing very well in the navy 2.do good to对……有好处Doing morning


标签: 释放压力的英语短语



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