
Whereareyou的答句,歌词里重复where are you

who are you礼貌吗 2023-06-07 21:07 922 墨鱼
who are you礼貌吗

Whereareyou的答句,歌词里重复where are you

2、before you know where you are 立即,马上转眼之间。3、Where are you from? 你是那里人(2)Andyou?是一个省略句,完整的表达方式为Andhowareyou?答语为I’mfine/I’mOK,too 6.再见的表达:Goodbye.回答:Bye. Seeyoulater.回答:Seeyou. 人们告别、分手时通常会说Good

where are you用什么回答

「Where are you from?」大家都看得懂,偏偏99%的人會答錯到國外最常被老外的一個問題是:Where are you from? 你相信嗎,這麼基礎的英文,竟然有高達99%的人,要嘛問錯、要嘛答錯,或者答了等於沒有答Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go to the airport? Who’s going to go to the airport ? (3)教师在黑板上


╯﹏╰ 单数名词用is,复数一律都用are。Nice to meet you!表示“见到你很高兴”多用来在双方初次见面时打招呼。对方回答时在句尾加too。e.g. —Nice to meet you! —Nice to meet you, Daddy, where are you? 爸爸,您在哪儿?Where are you going in that rig-out? 你穿着那身打扮要去哪里?Where are you going? 你上哪儿去?Where are you goi


大凡在国外生活过一段时间的,我相信无一例外都被问过Where are you from? 这个问题。 大部分人都会回答:“I am from China.”- 然而,这经常是个给自己挖坑的答案。因为一旦这么where在英语中通常是特殊疑问词,意思是在哪儿。回答由where引导的特殊疑问句通常要回答地点。因为where是对地点进行提问的。where are you这句话的汉语意思是你在哪里。所以通常可


标签: 歌词里重复where are you



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