02-11 941
peakfetch翻译 |
interchannel phase,帕瓦power
Interchannel Crosstalk @ 1kHz, typ.-135dB 5° low-end in-channel Ø deviation pt: Line13 Hz 5° low-end in-channel Ø deviation pt: Mic35 Hz Interchannel phase 10 Hz – 100 kHz< ±0频率扫描(Stepped Frequency Sweep): 交互失真(IDM,intermodulation distortion): 内部通道相位差(Interchannel Phase Deviation): 连续扫描组(Continuous Swe
phase n.[C] 1.阶段,状态2.相位,周相v.[T]逐步采用,分阶段引进Phase 相位(=PH)是反映交流电任何时刻的状态的物理量。in phase 同相phase in n. 逐渐采用antero internal 【医】前内的Study of sar multibeam interchannel phase errors合成孔径雷达多波速通道间相位误差研究The forming mechanism of crosstalks in the tdm system was analyzed theoretica
The test measures the interchannel phase delay and verifies that it meets the requirements. System Activity. The test measures the noise level of thStudy of SAR Multibeam Interchannel Phase Errors 合成孔径雷达多波速通道间相位误差研究Sedimentary micro-facies develops distributary channel, distrib
14.The theoretical and experimental results show that accompanying the increase of the interchannel phase difference,the sound image broadens as the signal frequeInterchannel Crosstalk @ 1kHz, typ.-135dB 5° low-end in-channel Ø deviation pt: Line13 Hz 5° low-end in-channel Ø deviation pt: Mic35 Hz Interchannel phase 10
7. 声道相位差测试(Interchannel Phase Difference Test) 两声道的相位差距过大时,会造成音像定位不准确而导致声音模糊,而这个测试项目就在观察两声道相位间的时间延迟(时间差),时I will need to display and measure the phase difference between the signals. However I understand that there is interchannel delay, resulting in the
后台-插件-广告管理-内容页尾部广告(手机) |
标签: 帕瓦power
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