
百度词典 putup,put in

Put up翻译 2023-10-13 20:04 804 墨鱼
Put up翻译

百度词典 putup,put in

形容词put up: planned secretly 同义词:put-up 例句:I can't believe he'd do a thing like that on his own. He must have been put up to it by some of the older boys(NAmE) 收拾房间to put things away and make a room neat to pick up a room 整理房间pick up on sth 1 领略;意会;意识到to notice sth and perhaps react to it Sh

∩ω∩ Philip put his hood up because it was raining. 因为下雨了,菲利普拉起了兜帽。朗文当代高级英语词典第6版8、My dad put up five shelves. 我爸爸搭了五个架子。朗put up的意思put up 词典:提供释义:提供;建造;举起;提高;推举,提名;供给…住宿;直接行动例句:I put up a tent in my garden for the kids to play in 我在花园里搭了一

解析4.B 解析:考查动词短语辨析。cut up切碎;look up查阅;put up搭建。句意:在词典里查生词是个好主意。故答案为B。结果一题目6.(2018吉林中考)It's a good idea to new put up 英[pʊt ʌp]美[pʊt ʌp] vt.放;贮备;推荐;提供,提出;建造;举起;提高;张贴,公布;配置,准备vi.提供食宿;直接行动put up的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:

?ω? put up英[put ʌp]美[pʊt ʌp] put up 词典解释及物动词张贴;举起;建造;提高不及物动词提供食宿;直接行动put up 词典例句形容词They put up a tent by the fireput up 美英adj.预先商定的网络举起;张贴;搭起第三人称单数:puts up现在分词:putting up 同义词反义词v. erect,raise,build,construct,create 英汉英英网络释义adj


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