

三会的英文翻译 2023-10-15 17:38 917 墨鱼


散会的英文:A meeting is over.参考例句:Not all who had been at the momentous boardroom session left as speedily as Roscoe Heyward在董事会议室参加这次词语:散会繁体:散會拼音:sàn huì 英语翻译A meeting is over. 相关词条1.toclosethemeeting 2.leavethechair 3.rise 4.toadjournthemeeting 5.toadjourn 分词翻译会的英语翻译:

≥▽≤ 10. 宣布散会,让众人离去示范:The meeting is finished. Our next meeting is scheduled for…会议结束,我们下一次会议定在……今天的15句句子你学会了吗?想要成为一个经验老宣布散会宣布散会的英文翻译基本释义declare the meeting over 分享单词到:

2023年10月15日(癸卯年九月初一) 加颜色为赞助商链接登录邮箱网页新闻地图视频图片百科翻译音乐购物热搜中国男篮能递补亚运金牌吗高铁静音车厢冰红茶牛肉面宣布散会Closing the Meeting ; declare the meeting over 宣布和平declare peace 关于宣布的相关短句declare the vote closed;宣布表决结束declare independe

关于宣布的英文短语关于宣布的相关短语宣布chalk it up 正式宣布announce officially 宣布日Date of declaration ; 据宣布It is announced that 宣布无效overrule ; s 5.5宣布散会(close the meeting) ( 3 ) 开始会议( begin the meeting ) jiujik|基于1 个网页例句必应词典应用准确权威无广告去官网了解更多下载手机版

19.Closing the Meeting 宣布散会The meeting is finished, we’ll see each other next The meeting is closed. I declare the meeting closed. 【用英语主持会议的12个步骤19、Closing the Meeting 宣布散会The meeting is finished, we’ll see each other next The meeting is closed. I declare the meeting closed. 扩展:学会21句英语保


标签: 宣布英语翻译



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