
关于北极熊的知识 英语,北极熊

英语 2023-11-13 17:58 148 墨鱼

关于北极熊的知识 英语,北极熊

Smart在英语中是聪明、敏捷的意思,很多人就以为汽车Smart取名就是为了突显它的敏捷。Too young too simple!其实它是由Swatch(卖手表的)和Mercedes-Benz(卖汽I am a Polar Bear, I am a very big white bear. 我是北极熊,我是一个非常大的白色的熊Where do you live? 你住在哪里呢?We lives inside the Arctic Circle near the North Pol

答案:1.that 2. poorly 3. of/for 4. to perform 5. have reported 6. belief 7. noting 8. higher 9. the 10. are二、参考译文北极熊生活在北极圈和南至纽芬兰的一些大陆地上。虽Polar bears are bears北极熊是熊最简单的了330 评论2小时前发布末日女友CCCccC Polar bears are the world largest land carnivore, also known as polar bear. By zo

(-__-)b Polar Bear Status Report Polar bears are a potentially threatened (not endangered) species living in1 评论次数:0 文档热度:文档分类:高等教育--专业基础教材文档标签:北极熊英文介绍ppt课件系统标签:北极熊polarbeararcticsealsbears largestterrestria

?▽? 北极熊英文介绍Polarbear Thelargestterrestrialcarnivorousanimal somepicturesaboutPolarbear ThepolarbearisabearnativelargelywithintheArcticCircleencompassing(围绕,包围;)theArcticOcpolar bears 每天一个英语小故事磨耳朵家长辅导polar bears 北极熊polar bears (熊) live in the cold places. 北极熊住在很冷的地方。polar bears are la

ˋ▽ˊ confining the bears to land。有更多的北极熊淹死在海里,因为它们被迫游向更远的海域去寻找食物。Drowning is also more common as bears are forced to swim fu现在跟店铺一起学习关于北极熊的英语知识吧。北极熊的英文释义polar bear sea bear white bear Nanook 北极熊的的英文例句我从未见过北极熊。I have never seen an arct


标签: 北极熊



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