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compel造句 |
1、competefor; contest for 2、activelycompetewith 3、competein a horse race. 4、Tocompetein a tournament. 5、Wecompetein many areas. 6、Life is thre..pete造句复制1、On the other hand, gender equality means women have tocompetein the workforce.(另一方面,性别平等意味着女性必须在工作中竞争。2、Boarding taug
>▽< 5.Run in;competein 参加赛跑-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例- 学习好评(10)差评() 6.ability tocompete 竞争能力;竞争能力-- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译参考[网络]好评(10)差评()22、We have the nationals where wecompete withthe schools on the West Coast as well. 23、As urban dwellers, they are too proud tocompete withmigrant
compete in造句如下:1、compete in a horse race.参加赛马。2、We compete in many areas.我们在许多领域竞争。3、compete in a race, as in athletics.参加一场单词compete 例句大全,用单词compete造句:Katiecompetes in beauty pageants. 凯蒂的比赛是庆典表演。in which both men and womencompete. 男女都可以参加比赛,Or by any
(°ο°) compete with (v.+prep.)【篇三】compete的⽤法例句 1. They are now trying to compete on an equal footing. 他们现在想要公平竞争。 2. Until the matter is re..pete英语造句,1、The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool.孩子们竞相向池的另一头驶去。2、The inc
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标签: football造句子简单
2023年中铁十二局春季招聘70人,招聘对象为:2023届、2022届暂未就业全日制本科及以上毕业生;入职后即可享受8000-80000元的补贴。 中铁十二局地域优势单位所在地,均可落户! 西安:一公...
10-10 700
【恺霆】霆:指急雷,也就是霹雳,是个很霸气的男孩取名用字,指男孩有着惊人的声势,做事情雷厉风行。 恺霆一名大气又吉祥,突显出男孩说一不二的大气个性,又表达了父母希望其一生平安和...
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三、注册账号四大方式 (一)手机号码或邮箱注册 1、手机号码注册 2、邮箱注册 (二)Facebook账号注册 (三)Google账号注册 (四)Twitter账号注册 四、视频素材(采集&剪辑处理) (一)素材...
10-10 700
切碎的英文短语 1、cut off 切断;中断;cut sb off 把电话挂断 ; 把电话挂掉【例句】And we find ourselves cruelly cut of 安居客jismkll 10人参与回答 2023-09-20 切碎的...
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