
turn out,turn out fine

turn out例句 2023-02-05 13:21 358 墨鱼
turn out例句

turn out,turn out fine

turnout是什么意思,turnout怎么读语音:英音[ˈtɜ:naʊt] 美音[ˈtɜ:nˌaʊt] turnout 基本解释n.产量;出动;集会的)出席者,到会者;公路]岔道turnout 变化形式turn out 1.关灯2.制造;培养3.结果是,原来是4.向外5.出席(某项活动);在场英英释义outfit or equip, as with accessories produce quickly or regularly, usually with machi

turn out的意思、解释adj. turn out 基本解释关掉;结果是;制造;出席turn out 相关例句ph. 1. All the students turned out for the Christmas concert. 耶诞音乐会,所turn out 有以下几种意思:(以某种方式)发生;最后是,结果是;出席,参加,前去观看;关掉,熄灭(电灯、煤气等);生产,制造短语:1.turn him out 驱逐出去

音标['tә:naut] 读音汉语翻译n. 聚集的人群,出席者,产量【化】输出;产额【经】产品,产额,出动英语解释:名词turnout: the group that gathers together for a p英[ˈtɜː(r)naʊt] n.出席人数;到场人数;投票人数复数:turnouts 同义词n. crowd,audience,attendance,gathering 权威英汉双解英汉英英turnout 显示所有例句n. 1. 出

1. It didn'tturnoutlike I intended. 这结果与我的本意相悖。《牛津词典》2. Her toesturnout. 她的脚趾向外撇。《牛津词典》3. I feel certain that it will allturnou同义词:turnout (ballet) the outward rotation of a dancer's leg from the hip 同义词:turnout 动词turn out: be shown or be found to be 同义词:prove, turn up prove to


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