

用where造句子带翻译 2023-10-18 14:55 423 墨鱼


我是英语老师,我来帮你吧。1.Where are you going?你要去哪儿?2.What is this?这是什么?3. When do you get up i詹姆斯从卧室出来,用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。4. When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join. 捏合馅饼时,要弄湿两张饼皮粘连的地方。5. If the weather

where造句复制1、wheredid you spend the night ?(你是在哪里过夜的? 2、wherewas the movie shot?(那部电影是在哪儿拍的? 3、wheredo you live?(你住在什么地方? 4、Te1. Where I'm gonna go?or where I wanna be? 2. The place where someone is born or where something originates. 3. 用比拟词造句,可以借助联想、想象使句

用where造句定语从句here is one point where I’d like your advice. 有一点,我想听听你的建议. A condition where the parking brakes do not hold will most probably be due twhere造句1、Where should I go for vacation? 我应该去哪里度假?2、Where did you hide the key? 你把钥匙藏哪里了?3、Where do you want to have dinner? 你想在哪里吃

13. 他们就好象吃了药的老鼠在乱兜圈子,其实都无济于事。14. 被蒋介石誉为王牌军的七十四师,其实也不过是外强中干的纸老虎,不堪一击。15. 你别装聋作哑,其实我早就知道内幕了。where 造句子,简单1. Where is the nearest grocery store? 2. Where did you put your keys? 3. I wonder where the cat went. 4. Can you tell me where the library is?

1.Where is your mother?2. Where is your father?3. Where is your brother?4.Where is your sister?5 Where is your uncle?6.Where are your parents?7. where awant to do sth. , talk to sb. , would like to, help sb. with sth. , from then on , catch up with , with one’s help , with the help of sb. , do one’s best 等等,这些固


标签: 用where造句四年级上



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