

itstimeforsth造句 2023-10-18 11:54 756 墨鱼


网络对某人友好;对……友好;对某人友善网络释义1. 对某人友好仁爱英语七年级上册知识点归纳--尹氏英语乐园14. a glass of 一杯15.be kind to sb对某人友好16. such Teachers are kind to students. 意思为老师对同学们很好。

出生日期:姓名详批重新填写[直译] 善待某人[详尽释义] 1. 与人友善2. 善待某人3. 对某人友好4. 对某人友善BE KIND TO SB是什么意思?以上就是BE KIND TO SB的含义解释和发音。8、Life is an invitation. If you can'tbe kind toothers, you shouldbe kind toothers. 9、Be sincere,be kind toyourself, don't always be greedy, don't a

be friendly/kind to sb. /be nice to / keep friendly relationships with sb.we learned to be kind and friendly to other people 我们学会了对别人和善友好。he was alwbe kind (of sb) (to do sth) 表示感谢(某人)做某事It's very kind ofyou to help us. 承蒙惠助,不胜感激。16 be kind to sb 对…友好Pleasebe kind toyour sister! 请对你的妹

be kind to sb的用法和样例: 例句It will pay to be kind to others. 好心会有好报。It's his nature (ie It's his natural reaction)to be kind to people. 他为人厚道。1. She wanted to be kind to me, I know.我知道她想对我表现出友善。2. Perhaps time will be kind to him.或许时间会对他仁慈的。3. You can be kind to your bo


标签: be简单造句一年级



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