
fail造句简单带翻译,fail to do sth造句简单

fail的动词用法 2024-01-03 21:18 912 墨鱼

fail造句简单带翻译,fail to do sth造句简单

vi. I fail to see;I fail to understand:不明白,看不出(用以表示不赞成) 展开简明例句That's how it was in my day and Ifailto see why it should be diff6. She was fearful that she would fail. 她生怕失败。《牛津词典》7. Adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons. 收养可能因为各种各样的原因失败。《柯林斯英汉双解

3.There's no risk of her failing/that she'llfail. 她不会有失败的危险。4.The sights of the city neverfailto impress foreign tourists. 外国游客无一不对该市留有深刻1、I am going to swim with my friends(我要和朋友去游泳)2、I am going to learn to cook(我要学做饭)3、I am goi

美[feɪl] 英[feɪl] v.失败;不及格;倒闭;破产n.(考试)不及格网络衰退;不合格;不能第三人称单数:fails现在分词:failing过去式:failed 搭配反义词v.+n. fail exam,fail tfail造句1、We don't fail you, you fail yourself. 2、Try again, fail again, and fail better. 3、fail-safe procedure 4、Sometimes I fail. 5、the fail

单词fail 例句大全,用单词fail造句:Schemes to advance posterity usuallyfail. Working for society today gains merits. 为儿孙作未来计,十望九空。为社会作众人谋,点滴1.I might pass ,and I might fail .我有可能及格,也有可能不及格.2.Hedge funds are not too big to fail .对冲基金不会太大而不能倒闭.3.As long as you stick w

˙^˙ 当fail作为名词时,意为(考试)不及格。例句:Igot three passes and one fail.我考试三门及格,一门不及格。3、其后可接不定式,意为“不能”“没有”“忘记”等。如:He failed 1、Some schoolsfailto require any homework.(有些学校没有布置任何家庭作业。2、Some manage it. Somefailmiserably.(有人成功了。有些人败得很惨。3、The various ele


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