

turned into 2023-10-15 10:09 870 墨鱼
turned into


turn down e.g. He kept turning the central heating down 他不断调低中央暖气的温度。e.g. She could not bear the relentless music and turned down the volume. 她turneddown发音意思翻译转弯向下相似词语短语the turners───特纳一家solid turner───实心翻板机returned meaning───返回意义turned away───避开;解雇;

一、turn down中文

turn down 美英na.翻下(衣领等);扭小(灯火等)拒绝考虑;拒绝(某人) 网络做晚床;量程比;量程比可调第三人称单数:turns down现在分词:turning down过去式:turned down 同义词turn down “turn down”的中文翻译词典解释美音: ] 英音: ] 1. 拒绝His proposal was turned down. 他的提议被拒绝了。相关词语turndown


1. turndown ratio 调节比;极限负荷比双语例句1. He turned down the job because it involved too much travelling. 他拒绝了这份工作因为出差太频繁了2Why did she turnOlivier turned it down flat and tried to persuade Vivien to do likewise.参考汉译:奥利维尔把它完全拒绝了,并试图说服维维安也这么做。

三、turned it down

turned down的中文意思沪江词库精选turned down是什么意思、英语单词推荐名词车削拒绝相似短语turned down n.车削拒绝turned on adj.被闭合,被扭开turned in 缩小be turned 年在以上参考turndown 看、听、说It'llturnout all right in the end. 事情总会峰回路转。Maybe we've missed theturn. 是不是转错弯了?Well, keep itdown. 好吧,小声一点Turned

四、turn down的英文

turn down 音标[.tə:n 'daun] 读音汉语翻译拒绝【法】拒绝,摒斥英语解释:名词turn down: the act of refusing an offer 同义词:nonacceptance, turndown 动词turn do"The economy finally turned down after a long boom" make lower or quieter; "turn down the volume of a radio" 查看更多turn down的用法和样例:例句


标签: dentist中文翻译



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