

发抖的英文 2023-07-28 23:31 453 墨鱼


∩0∩ 吓得打颤的英文发音:英文翻译quake with fear 吓frighten; scare; intimidate 得need 打颤frisson; shiver; shudder 吓得with fright 使打颤vibrate 落得打[植物学] (积雪所以它的实际意思是“吓得发抖”。例句:She is frightened at snakes, so she will shake in her shoes whenever she sees one. 她很怕蛇,看见蛇会吓得发抖。2. fill one's sho

拆家能力强似二哈,网友:巴掌挨得不冤……中国日报双语新闻不喜欢不看的原因确定内容质量低不看此公众号最受人民喜爱的王妃,却从来不被皇室看好……吓得直发抖吓得直发抖的英文翻译基本释义palpitatewith fear 分享单词到:

问题一:吓人用英语怎么说scare scare [skZr, sk?r; skZ?]及物动词1 使(突然) 害怕,恐惧The sudden barking ~d him.突然的狗叫声吓了他一跳You ~d me!.你吓所以它的实际意思是“吓得发抖”。例句:She is frightened at snakes, so she will shake in her shoes whenever she sees one. 她很怕蛇,看见蛇会吓得发抖。2. fill one's sho

“我吓得动弹不得”英语怎么说?scare:惊吓;使害怕;使恐惧;受惊吓;害怕;恐惧。The dog barked when he heard steps in the garden this morning. 今天早上,狗听到花园里有脚惊吓scare;frighten更多释义>> [网络短语]惊吓startle;scare;frighten 惊吓展示startle displays 收到惊吓Shock received;Received a fright;Receive a shock 详细用法>> 受惊吓

shake in one's shoes 吓得发抖A:Ted is so scared by dogs that he shakes in his shoes whenever he sees one. A:泰德非常害怕狗,他一见到狗,就会吓得发抖恐吓英语怎么说?threaten 英[ˈθretn] 美[ˈθrɛtn] vt.& vi. 危及;恐吓;(某事) 预示;预示凶兆;vi. 威胁;似将发生;[例句]If you threaten me or use any force, I shall in


标签: 灵活英语怎么说



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