
distract sb from sth造句,apart from造句

decide not to do sth造句 2023-06-06 09:43 220 墨鱼
decide not to do sth造句

distract sb from sth造句,apart from造句

distract sb from sth例句1.我的电话不断响起,分散了我对工作的注意力。My phone kept ringing and distracted me from my work.) 2.在学习期间,社交媒体经常会分散学生的distract sb by 用…分散某人的注意力allure sb. from v. 诱使某人离开bless sb from 保护某人不致…使某人免遭…stand no nonsense from sb 不能容忍某人胡说八道

˙▽˙ 《关掉》是小北演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《小北作品集》。中文名关掉歌曲原唱小北所属专辑小北作品集发行日期2018年3月2日电视电视(Television 、TV)指使用电子技术传送活instead of doing sth.代替,而不是例句:Instead of staying out of the way, the fire blew right toward them. 火势非但没有远离,而是向他们袭来。distra

1、It's still the illustration, it's just a little bit magical and doesn'tdistract fromthe story". 2、All of the images are cartoon drawings, so thedistract sb from sth 使某人在某事上分心;分散某人对…的注意力;把某人与某事分开例句:1、Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him fro

ˋ▂ˊ distract sb. from sth. = make sb. stop giving his / her attention to sth. [中文] 把某人的注意力从某事物上吸引开[例句] He was distracted from his wordistract her from her homework 使她分心无法专心无法做作业To distract sb from sb 使某人分心distract sb's attention from 使注意力从…上移开同近义词转移;使从…分

˙﹏˙ 1. 使某人在某事上分心介词用法讲解(二) dissociate sb. from sth. 把某人与某事分开distract sb. fromsth.使某人在某事上分心enun.cn|基于3个网页2. 分散某人distract英语造句,1、It serves to distract a predator while the octopus makes its escape.它的作用是在章鱼逃跑时分散捕食者的注意力。2、Do you


标签: apart from造句



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