在 潼关之战 后,还有一支军阀既没有撤退到凉州,也没有投奔张鲁或者投降曹操,仍然在关中地区活动,就是梁兴。这个...
05-21 177
be back to的用法 |
be back from,get back
There seems to be no hope of ever getting the money back from Harry. I think you can write it off. 看来没有希望把钱从哈利那里收回了,我想可以把它勾销了。en884“从…回来”是短语be back from。英[bi bæk frəm]美[bi bæk frəm]释义:从…回来。[例句]
go back on───违背;背弃go back to───回去,返回;追溯到hear from───收到…的信;受…的批评双语使用场景He should be back from church.───他应该从教堂回来He will be back from his hometown in two weeks. 他两周之后从老家回来He was back from his hometown yesterday. 他昨天从老家回来了He is always back from his hometown by
Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different imlook back from the plow 虎头蛇尾,半途而废back away from phr. 从…躲开;远离look back from the plough 虎头蛇尾,半途而废far back from the battle's front lines 后方hold sb back
[正] My father will be back from America presently.? [析] presently有两个意思:其一是最近,不久,其二在美语中是现在之意,与at present相同。而for the pre题目be back from 造一个句子带翻译答案He should be back from church.他应该从教堂回来了. A: Pawl, I’ll be back from Shanghai next Monday. Do you want&nbs相
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标签: get back
只能先进天气预报软件打开播报,然后录制下来。再进闹铃里面选择闹铃铃声选择本地音乐,找到你录制的天气预报播音就可以设置了。 查看全文 点赞 评论 825696681 如果你想把这个闹钟铃声的改成天...
05-21 177
1 1.首先确定会议主题,列出待解决问题清单,确定参会人员,确定同会议时间和会议方式,在并把资料提前发给参会人员,提醒他们做好准备。2 2.在会议开始前一天...
05-21 177
大家好,小飞来为大家解答以上问题,手机flash插件,手机flash很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 大家肯定都发现了,iPhone不支持在Safari手机浏览器上运行Adobe Flash,And...
05-21 177
05-21 177