

用donate造句 2023-10-12 18:27 217 墨鱼


1、We also needspecially madeprotective clothing. 2、The ring wasspecially madefor her. 3、Application ofspecially madeinsulin syringe can improve t用作副词(adv.) I made this specially for your birthday.这是我特意为你生日而做的。I made this cake specially, with brown sugar instead of white.我特别地以红糖代替

˙▽˙ specially造句复制1、Groundhogs spend the winter hibernating in aspeciallydug hibernation burrow, their breathing and heartbeats slowed to a snail's pace.(土拨鼠specially英语造句,1、The machine specially broken televisions, tape recorder, electricity skull and PVC tubing.本机专门破碎电视

8、Private service: supplying wine servicespecially forsuccessful people at private party. 9、The mobile vertical projection car inspection system iIt turned out to be that he made two bowls of noodles specially, one for himself and the other for his dad. 原来孩子为了配合爸爸回家的时间,特地泡了两碗泡面,一碗自

˙^˙ You really shouldn't have gone to the expense of renting the carspeciallyfor us.你真不该花钱专门为我们租用这辆汽车. This welding backing isspeciallydesigned for h单词specially 例句大全,用单词specially造句:The unique steam moistening system isspeciallysuitable for ageing and fixation if active dyestuff. 独特的蒸汽给温系统,

specially called的造句和例句:1. During the morning group meditation on the second day , we heard that master had specially called bangkok to express her love and2. It can become extremely hot and dry,speciallyin a small glasshouse. 空气会变得特别炎热干燥,特别是在一个小玻璃房里。来自柯林斯例句3. Grass shears arespecially


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