luc,lust=light,shine,表示”光,照亮” lucent a 发亮的(luc+ent) lucid a 透明的,清楚的(luc+id) lucidity n 光明,明白(lucid+ity) elucidate……… 词组和短语补充/纠错 as...
04-07 560
用barrier造句 |
ˋ^ˊ〉-# competition造句1.He was on a real high after winning the competition.(他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。6petition for jobs is acute.(求职竞争非常激烈。造句:Everyone in modern society faces keen competitions. 现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争。To our satisfaction, he had got the first prize in the diving competition
competition造句1、out-throat competition 2、He was the twentieth in the competition. 3、The race provoked his spirit of competition. 4、Internationa4.Competitionis getting hotter day by day. 竞争日趋白热化。《牛津词典》5. Most businesses face plenty ofcompetition. 多数企业都面临大量的竞争。《柯林斯英汉双解
I fully understand and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of thiscompetition. 本人已细阅及同意遵守是次比赛规则。英文例句大全为您提供competition英文例句The singing competition is good
[例句]There's been some fierce competition for the title 夺冠之争一直都相当激烈。其他] 复数:competitions competition造句Competition should beat the price down造句:Everyone in modern society faces keen petitions. 现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争。To our satisfaction, he had got the first prize in the diving petition. 我们满意的是,他在
●ω● 造句:Everyone in modern society faces keen competitions. 现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争。To our satisfaction, he had got the first prize in the diving compe1、intermodalcompetition 2、oligopolisticcompetition 3、Monopolisticcompetition 4、Is thecompetitionsite available beforecompetition? 5、Warming upc
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标签: 用danger造句
luc,lust=light,shine,表示”光,照亮” lucent a 发亮的(luc+ent) lucid a 透明的,清楚的(luc+id) lucidity n 光明,明白(lucid+ity) elucidate……… 词组和短语补充/纠错 as...
04-07 560
超级飞侠正版授权,奥多拉乐迪益智机器人🤖️ 给孩子一个快乐的,多样的童年,能说会跳 益智乐迪机器人拥有71个GIF动态表情,10万个拟人动作组合,表情和肢体生动可爱,能根据不同...
04-07 560
目前仅积1分的叙利亚想要小组出线,本场比赛不容有失,相比于约旦,他们更加需要这场胜利。 此役亚盘开出叙利亚让平/半,上盘水位有下降的趋势,机构似乎对于首战爆...
04-07 560
1、前排座位,一般前排座位的优势不管上飞机或者下飞机都很方便,但前排座位的空间位置有些小,尤其是肥胖的人群,坐在前排位置会感觉到有些拥挤。 2、中间座位,如果乘客是购买中间座...
04-07 560
04-07 560