
go to bad造句,music class造句四年级

gotobed等于什么短句 2023-05-24 13:20 569 墨鱼

go to bad造句,music class造句四年级

单词go bad 例句大全,用单词go bad造句:I feel bad I can't go. 不能到场,我很难过That's about togo bad. 快要变质了。He's had a bad go of flu. 他得过很重的流感。1、I feel terrible—I think I'll go to bed. 我觉得难受,想去睡觉了。2、He had better go to bed. 他最好去睡觉。3、So now let's go to bed. 现在我们去睡觉吧。4、Yo

go to bad造句简单

∩▽∩ Go to the `bad; become completely immoral道德败坏堕落. Go away, you bold bad spider! 走开,你这只厚颜无耻的坏蜘蛛!Their marriage has been going through a bad patcgo to bed造句1、It's already late and I need to go to bed. I've been working all day and I'm exhausted. 2、I'm feeling tired and I think it's time to go to bed


1.I'm going to go to bed 我要睡觉了。2.Go to bed if you feel sleepy.你困了就睡吧。3.I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.我正待睡觉,电话响用go to bed造句子1.We go to bed at 9 oclock.(我们九点睡觉。2.I go to bed early as a rule.(我一贯睡得早。5.You must go to bed.(你必须上床睡觉。推

go to bed造句

+▂+ d better go to bed.他最好去睡觉.I must go to bed now.我必须去睡觉了.I mean to go to 1、Go to bed,go to bed. 2、Clarego to bedearly. 3、May Igo to bed? 4、You mustgo to bed. 5、Now,go to bed hehe! 6、No. It's time togo to bed. 7、


标签: music class造句四年级



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