
bound to,run into

consist 2023-10-16 20:59 302 墨鱼

bound to,run into

bound to bound to■上行bound to■到…地方)去,开往…去的考试词汇表bound to基本解释上行;不免网络释义1. 必然2. 一定会3. 一定4. 束缚于bound to的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释This dichotomy isboundtohave

+﹏+ bound to [baund tu:] 以下由轻松背单词网站提供词组级别第9级基本释义必然,一定;有义务参考例句The question is bound to come up at the meeting.会上必然要讨论这个当应用程序是被绑定到(bound to)数据库的时候,SQL 编译器输出被转换到一个包中。可重复读(Repeatable read,RR) …ibm|基于12个网页更多释义必应词典应用准确权威

She was bound to a chair.───她被捆在一把椅子上。Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.───每个人的意见都必定是主观的。There are bound to be price inbound to 双语例句1、There arebound tobe changes when the new system is introduced. 引进新系统后一定会发生变化。——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》2、T

bound to 一定会(做) be bound in 在…受到约束,受到…约束,用…装订be bound by 受约束;由联系起来be bound to 1.肯定,注定;一定要,决心2.一定会…必然3.注定,必定bound on 猛扑bound to 必然,不得不,必须,束缚于例句与用法:That horse isbound towin; put your shirt on it. 那匹马肯定会赢,把你所有的钱都押在上面吧。You are not legallybound


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