
may i take photo with you,may i draw your attention

run after 2023-06-07 23:53 520 墨鱼
run after

may i take photo with you,may i draw your attention

soletstakeaplacenicely那么我们找一个好一点的地方吧结果一题目英语情景对话能和我一起合影吗?may I take a photo with you? 答案may I take a photo with you?能和你一a photo/photograph taken with sb 所以还是May I have a photo taken with you?这句比较妥当

1英语:我能和你合个影吗?怎么说May I take a picture with you please?May I have a photo taken with you?两句话意思是否一样?2 英语:我能和你合个影吗?怎么说May I take may i take a photo with you? 英美我可以和你合影吗?分享单词到:以上内容独家创作,受著作权保护,侵权必究

网络我可以和你照相吗网络释义1. 我可以和你照相吗Translation 翻译- 3.我可以和你照相吗?May I take a photo with you? 5.请问您贵姓?May I know your name,ple语法点是may作为情态动词使用,而且may提问可以更委婉一些一、表示许可或征求对方的许可,有“可以”的意思.例如:You may go now.你可以走了.May I use your comp

Would you mind if I take a picture (together) with you ? (我能和你照一张相吗),这是标准的英语;又如:我能打开窗户吗?译成英语是:Would you mind if May I have you attention please? I have a little things to tell you. When you have a class here in the language lab, please be here a little early. Change your sh


标签: may i draw your attention



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