

sender简写 2023-06-04 13:56 206 墨鱼


senders 基本解释n.寄件人( sender的名词复数);发报机;发话机;发送人中文词源senders 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释View and modify your list oPrepare your ears for non-stop email learnings. LEARN MORE Sender School Take a deep dive into deliverability fundamentals in our 101 course. LEARN MORE Email

This might also be of interest to you Learn in our whitepaper how to create the optimal delivery experience to conquer new markets.Download now Insights and inspi26.The sender's gender also influences the message. [答案]F 27.Encoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concept

{{sender_name}} - The sender's name. {{sender_address}} - The sender's street address. {{sender_city}} - The sender's city. {{sender_state}} - The sender's stateThesenderis able to simulate speech with the drums. 发送者能够用鼓声模仿所说的话。Where do I put thesender's and the receiver's address? 我要在哪里填写寄件人和收

sender 英英释义noun 1. set used to broadcast radio or tv signals Synonym: transmitter 2. someone who transmits a message e.g. return to sender Synonym: transmitter 一個人的價值和評The receive decodes the message and attempts to interpret thesender's meaning.接收者解码收到的信息,并解释发送者的意思. Undeliverable, returned tosender.无法投递,

1. The sender's gender also influences the message.(F) 2. Encoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concepts of 美[ˈsendər] 英[ˈsendə(r)] n.发送人;送货人;【信】发射机;发送机网络送者复数:senders 同义词反义词n. dispatcher,correspondent,contributor,source,writer 英汉


标签: sender的用法



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