

reassurance造句 2023-08-04 14:49 905 墨鱼


∩﹏∩ Rosa's constantrefrainis that she doesn't have a life. 罗莎总是重复的一句话就是她没有像样的生活。柯林斯高阶英语词典Pleaserefrainfrom feeding the monkeys. [告示]refrainfrom挖v. 忍住,制止,戒除控制,克制不要refrainspeculation挖抑制投机abstain挖abstained, abstaining, abstains v. 禁绝,放弃动词:1.refrainfrom voting2

refrain造句复制1、refrainfrom harvesting after radioactive material fallout.(有放射性物质落下时不要进行采收。2、Wilt thourefrainthyself for these things, o LO网络释义refrain 显示所有例句v. 1. [i] 克制;节制;避免to stop yourself from doing sth, especially sth that you want to do n. 例句下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows P

1. It is difficult for us torefrainfrom laughing when we are seeing a comedy. 在我们观看喜剧时,很难忍住不笑。2. Irefrainfrom hurt myself. 我避免弄伤我自己。3. Srefrain造句1、When breaking in an engine, you should refrain from high speeds for the first thousand miles.磨合发动机时,你应当避免在最初的1千英里高速行驶。2、Ple

单词refrain 例句大全,用单词refrain造句:Abstain meanstorefrainfrom doing something. 弃权,克制做某事。We willrefrainfrom competitive devaluation. 我们将避免竞争性I wish he would refrain from scattering his ash all over the carpet. 我希望他不要将烟灰往地毯上乱弹。A refrain in which an audience joins a soloist in a song. 合

>0< California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling particularly one that upsets the old assumption that authorities may search through the posses29. Refrain from making promises or moving too fast.克制住自己,不要做出承诺或者行动过快。30. cannot help bursting into tears; cannot refrain from tea


标签: sway造句



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