

nose造句简单 2023-10-17 13:11 635 墨鱼


Band of handsome British guys.英国帅哥帮Have you met any handsome guys?你遇到帅哥了吗?He is as handsome as his brother.他和他哥哥一样英俊。Roy is still as hand6、But there are several other handsome, rich young men in the world:handsomer, possibly, and richer than he is. 7、Love is when Mommy sees Daddy sm

handsome英语造句,1、She met a handsome boy, John by name她遇到了一位名叫约翰的英俊少年。2、A handsome prince came, too一个英俊的王子也来了。3、Mimi1、Handsome, speciallyhandsome, especiallyhandsome. 2、Handsome is thathandsomedoes. 3、The boy washandsomeandhandsome. 4、This young man ishandsome

╯0╰ 网络释义handsome 显示所有例句adj. 1. 英俊的;漂亮的;有魅力的attractive 2. 健美的attractive, with large strong features rather than small delicate ones 3. 美观的;2、His handsome profile was turned away from us.他英俊的侧影从我们眼前转开了。3、The two of them made a handsome couple.这对夫妻男俊女靓。handsome造句造句:That man

handsome造句类型英语造句1、Who's thathandsome man?(那个英俊的男人是谁? 2、He washandsome, upright, and chivalrous.(他英俊、正直、对女士彬彬有礼。3、He has growhandsome造句1. He was a handsome man with chiseled features and piercing blue eyes. 2. The handsome prince rode into the village on his white stallion, capturing


标签: connect的简短例句



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