
come true造句简单,try to do sth造句简单

arrive造句简单 2023-10-16 16:18 466 墨鱼

come true造句简单,try to do sth造句简单

18、I am waiting for my dreams to come true.我正在等待我的梦想成真。19、She is waiting forthe perfect moment.她正在等待完美的时刻。20、He is waiting for the right2. I can't believe this is real, it feels like a dream come true. 3. The real challenge of parenting is not just raising a child, but also learning to let go as t

1. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself. 2. I will do anything to make my dreams come true. 3. You can ask me anything, I am an open book. 4. I don't lin the face of造句简单1. In the face of adversity, she remained strong and persevered through the challenges. 2. In the face of criticism, he stood by his decisi

2. All the guests were given a warm welcome. 3. All of us were surprised by the result. 4. All his efforts were in vain. 5. All our dreams will come true one day1.He lies awake yearning for the strength to make it come true. 2.They decided they wanted to help make it come true. 3.He allowed all young men to dream and to m

人们造句简单点1. People are working hard to improve their living standards. 2. People are striving to make their dreams come true. 3. People are trying to find hA:My dream has become true.(F) B:My dream has come true.(T) 2.选词多样写作中要恰当得体地使用高中学习的较为高级一些的词汇。1)我几乎睁不开眼睛。A:I can not open

5. May your dreams come true. 6. You may have to work overtime tonight. 7. May I suggest a different approach to the problem? 8. You may not realize it, but you'r不仅仅只是抱有成功的希望,还要付出努力使其成为现实。It is not enough to simply have a vision; one must have the courage to make it come true. 不仅仅有一个远景,还


标签: try to do sth造句简单



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