

strawberries 英语怎么读 2022-12-06 14:32 691 墨鱼
strawberries 英语怎么读


English strawberries usually come in in late June. 英国草莓通常在六月下旬上市。权威例句Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of strawberries. Influences 八、1. Does; like Y es; does Does; strawberries; too No; doesn' t 2. Do; they do; likes; doesn' t 3. my; like; tomatoes ; Y es ; No; doesn' t 十、1 ~5 ACBCD 6~10 ADDAB 十一、1. pears

strawberries 草莓(STRAWBERRIES):一些研究发现,草莓也对男人有帮助。这可能跟它们含锌有管,当然,草莓还含有大量其他有用的营养素。You said “light my cigarette”你说请帮我点一根烟So I lied to my mom and dad 所以我向爸爸妈妈撒了个谎And jumped the fence and I ran 然后跳过栅栏与你一起逃离But we

他們歌詞很有個人特色但合在一起卻不衝突很NEWS了(`・ω・´感謝翻譯!! 2018-09-16 22:31回复26 4 12 2 登录哔哩哔哩,高清视频免费看! 更多登录后权益等你解锁strawberries 英[st'rɔːbrɪz]美[st'rɔːbrɪz] n.草莓Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计草莓strawberries的英文翻译是什么意思,

(`▽′) Let\'s eat strawberries and apples then 上周他们去摘草莓了They went to pick strawberries last week 很多草莓Many strawberries 我的同学们不喜欢草莓And even if I run away 即使我想跑远Give my heart a holiday 让我的心放个假Still strawberries and cigarettes alwa


标签: strawberry的音标



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