
the second的用法,thesecond和second的区别

second后面加单数还是复数 2023-08-06 14:11 842 墨鱼

the second的用法,thesecond和second的区别

a second 指“再一”“又一”(与前面一个累计为“两个”);the second 特指“第二个”(不second用法例句1、This brings us to the second question I asked. 这就将我们带到了我所提的第二个问题。2、Elliott crossed the finish line just half a

a second又一,再一[例句1] He offered me a second drink which l refused. 他请我再喝一杯,我没有接受。例句2] You can try a second time.你可以再试试。the second第二只可意会不可⾔传的“thesecond”与“asecond”还是有点混淆今天从微信群⾥看到⼀份'2017年⼴东省初中毕业学业考英语精华卷”中有⼀道单选题:Thanks to the new policy, ea

● 瞬间名词moment、instant、minute、second 与定冠词the 连用可引导时间状语从句。相当于“hardly / scarcely ……when ……”、“no sooner ……thanThe first is the radical theology, and the second is this poem's equally radical and equally daring original verse form. 第一是它激进的神学观点,第二是这首诗,同样

第一:The first 第二:The second 第三:The third zhidao.baidu|基于192个网页2. 第二个第二个(The second)观点:每月先蓄积30%的薪金,剩下(The remaining)来才举2、the second用法:引导时间状语从句。例句:He was married for the second time, this time to a Belgian 他第二次结婚,这一次是和一个比利时人。三:典型例句


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