

英语文章outline怎么写 2024-01-03 19:21 595 墨鱼


第一篇:英语论文outline规范范例My outline(080703120 汤煜芳) A Paralysed Wilderness —The Appreciation and Analysis of Symbols in Araby Thesis statem英语系论文得outline怎么写?1.topic outline thesis:XXXXX(是一句话,要打句点)(下面的都是单词和短语不打句点)Ⅰ.XXXX Ⅱ.XXXX A.XXXX 1.XXX 2.XXX B.XXXX Ⅲ.XXXXX 2.sentence

高分英语作文1:outline Write o theory o write o rewrite o script format o therapy o outline o JOURNAL O submission o download script o write a low budoutline可以这样写范例,主要分三段式,第一段写主题,第二段写自己的观点或看法及支持这种观点的原因,第三段总结,这样就可以了。outline就把这三部分稍微详细一点。outline有三种,简

+^+ 英语写作outline范例合集英语写作--Outline Making an Outline A Plan That Builds an Essay © 2001 by Ruth Luman References Introduction What is an outline ? Before outline写范例如下:1.题目:准确,简洁,醒目,新颖。2.目录:一份报告中的主要段落的简要清单。3.总结:是本文的要点摘要,简短,简洁,完整。字数可以不超过数十个,最好是300个

高分英语作文1:outline I once saw the sunse. The night before yesterday, I was very amazing and betiful. We lived on the top of the mountain. In the afternoon, we walked英语作文模板范文1 Some people contend that has proved to bring many advantages (disadvantages) 有些人认为___有很多有利之处(不利之处)。Those who

≥0≤ 高分英语作文1: Once, I had a friend who was very close to me. Once we were sitting on the edge of a swimming pool, she put a little water in her palm, held it in front 英语论文outline规范范例myoutline (080703120 paralysedwilderness arabythesis statement: symbolsregarding setting,religion ingeniouslyadopted, which manifests para


标签: outline的写作要点



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