

好久不见高级表达英文 2023-11-23 02:50 147 墨鱼


≡(▔﹏▔)≡ 在英语中,表达我们想要做某事的意愿可以使用多种不同的句型和短语。以下是一些常用的高级表达方式:I am eager to: 这个短语强调我们对于某件事情的热切渴望,通应该做某事英语高级表达be supposed to do sth.应该做某事。例句:I was supposed to do some work this weekend but I couldnt be arsed. 这个周末我本应该干点事,不过我

想要做某事英语短语高级表达I feel like doing sthI am going to do sthI intend to do sthI hope/ wish to do sthI have the intention to do sth ===如有疑want to do sth.would like to do sth.feel like doing sth.wish to do sth.如:I want to go home.= I would like to go home.= I feel like going home.= I wish

1. I want to + do 想要做某事I want to go swimming this weekend. 我想要这个周末去游泳。2. I would like to + do 想要做某事I would like to visit Paris someday. 我想有一be going to do首先可表示将要做某事,一般表示经过事先考虑,安排将要做某事.其次可以表示有迹象表明要做某事.例如It is going to rain.(有迹象表明要下雨) be d

1. would like to do sth. 想要做某事I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party this Saturday. 我想邀请你这周六来我的生日聚会。2. want to do sth. 想要做某事feel like doing sth.would like to do sth.


标签: want的高级表达



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