
tied up 的用法,wake的用法

tired的用法 2023-10-13 10:29 371 墨鱼

tied up 的用法,wake的用法

2. 包扎:to tie up the wound包扎伤口3. 使(船)停靠码头,船)靠码头,停泊,使船停泊:We tied up our ship at Shanghai.我们将船停泊在上海港。4. [美国英语]tied up 美英na.“tie up”的过去分词和过去式网络给套住;绑起来;被捆绑英汉英英网络释义na. 1. “tie up”的过去分词和过去式释义:全部,给套住,绑起来,被捆绑更多

He tied up the bag and took it outside. 他把口袋扎紧,拿到外边。柯林斯例句3、More and more old people have capital tied up in a house. 越来越多老年人的资金全第三人称单数:ties up 现在分词:tying up 过去式:tied up 过去分词:tied up 常用牛津中考高考四级六级考研影视原声常用短语搭配1. be tied up 把…缠住;使无法分身;使(资金)呆滞

用法:表示某人或某物被捆绑或束缚住,无法自由移动。例句:The hostages were tied up and held captive for several days.(人质被捆绑住,被关押了几天。He tied up his dolit. fettered by fame and locked up by riches (idiom); tied down by reputation and wealth—名缰利锁也可见:tie—结· 绑· 系· 扎· 呔· 打结· 缚·

tied up 用作形容词的意思:1.忙得不可开交的,被工作或亊情缠得无法分身的用法及例句:I was tied up and coutdn’t get to the phone.我忙得不可开交,连电话都没法听了。tie后接后接副词up表示“绑紧,系好,包扎”“停泊,停靠码头”“阻碍,阻塞(交通)”。This project tied up a grea


标签: wake的用法



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