10-21 849
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double造句,be important to造句
+▂+ double的常用短语:用作动词(v.) double as (v.+prep.) double back (v.+adv.) double for (v.+prep.) double in brass (v.+prep.+n.) double over (v.+adv.) double up (vto double the degree consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities twice as g
∪▽∪ And in the case of the abduction of children, the penalty shall be doubled.在拐骗儿童案件中,处罚加倍。After close therewith remain be able to bear or endure gram10. We have no double cassette recorder on sale today. 今天我们没有双卡录音机供应。11. She's going for the double this year, the Olympics and the Wo
double造句介绍如下:The technology diffusion effect on regional economic convergence process should be doubldouble造句1、Hugh: If you want to be macho, order adoubleshot of espresso. 阿修:若你想要有男子气概,就点双份的意大利浓缩咖啡。2、When my girl friend went away fr
过去式:doubled; 过去分词:doubled; 现在分词:doubling; 实用场景例句全部双的两倍的重复加倍加倍努力两倍adoublehelping 一客双份的食物牛津词典twodoublewhiskie1、doubleliftdoublecylinder jacquard 2、Double bubble gum bubblesdouble. 3、a stuntdouble;a bodydouble. 4、double-actingdoublepiston rod oil cylinde
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