

英语两人情景对话带翻译图片 2023-10-14 11:26 944 墨鱼


购物两人英语情景对话A:Anything I can do for you? B:Yes.Could you please introduce the Victorian doorknobs? A:Sorry,but I am just a sales woman.You can read the introd而情景对话因为在英语中加入了生活的元素,极大的激发了英语学习者们的兴趣。今天小编就给大家分享一篇比较简短的英语情景对话短文,里面包含了很多礼貌性的用语,一起来参考学习下吧。

两人对话情景A: Hey, John. Having not seen you for a long time, how’s it going? B: As a matter of fact, I’m not very well. A: Oh, I’m so sorry t简单的两人英语情景对话:打电话A: hello, this is rich. B: hi, rich. Is jim here? a: he’s not in at the moment. Can I take a message? B: sure. This is Claire. A; d

简单英语2人对话:likes and dislikes A: do you like animals? I really like dogs. B: so do i. I don’t like cats. A: why? I think cats are ok. B: I can0/0 收藏人数:0 评论次数:0 文档热度:文档分类:外语学习--英语口语[两人英语情景对话大全]二人英语对话3分钟两人英语情景对话大全两人英语情景对话大全两

∩ω∩ 【篇一】两人英语口语情景对话材料精选Jesse: Honey, we are coming home tonight. We haven’t had dinner with mom for a month. 亲爱的,我们今天回家吧。我们已经有一个月没有两人英语情景对话:MayIhelpyou MANAGER:? MAN:. MANAGER:Letmeshowyouthesehats. MARTIN:'. MAN:Areporter! MANAGER:He'swritingastoryaboutWesternclothing

英语两人情景对话一:A:Why do you drink wine everyday? B:I like it !A:Is it delicious? B:Of course!Not only so,in wine there is truth. A:really,what i关于两人英语口语情景对话篇一面试官:When did you graduate? 你什么时候毕业的?宅女:3 years ago. 3年以前。面试官:Then why there is no work exper


标签: 情景对话两人



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