第二款电信灿烂卡:19月租包125G全国通用流量+30G全国定向流量+100分钟通话(长期优惠,免费领取) 满16岁即可办理哦 领取地址: 套餐内容: 月租:19元/月(首月免费) 流量:125G全国通用流...
10-18 325
debris造句 |
grim英语造句,1、There she saw a lonely house, looking so grim and mysterious, that it did not please her at all.在那I admire him for his grim courage.我佩服他的坚韧不拔的勇气I had a pretty grim day yesterday.我昨天很不愉快Her face wore a grim, set look.她脸上显出严
I hope the grim day will be over quickly. 我希望令人沮丧的一天能很快过去。No one can understand his grim heart. 没人能知道他残忍的内心。The environment of the fgrim造句1、Their performance was fairlygrim, I'm afraid!(很遗憾,他们的演出真不怎么样! 2、I feelgrim this morning.(我今天早上感到不舒服。3、The parks and squares lookedgrim under
+▂+ adj.严肃的;坚定的;阴冷的;令人不快的网络严酷的;严厉的;冷酷的比较级:grimmer最高级:grimmest 搭配同义词反义词adj.+n. grim reality,grim picture,grim determination1、I've seen grim warriors. 2、The situation is grim. 3、a grim reality [truth] 4、She looked grim. 5、But the future looks grim. 6、The outlook is
1. We had a grim struggle before we won. 我们经历了一场恶斗才赢得胜利。2. grim是什么意思2. We climbed to the top of the mountain with grim determination. 我们怀grim[ɡrim] 意思:adj. 严峻的;阴森的;严肃的;糟糕的grim例句(自然匹配,仅供参考) 例句:I ' ve had agrimday . 翻译:我过了不愉快的一天。例句:Things were prettygrimfor a time
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标签: 造句angry
第二款电信灿烂卡:19月租包125G全国通用流量+30G全国定向流量+100分钟通话(长期优惠,免费领取) 满16岁即可办理哦 领取地址: 套餐内容: 月租:19元/月(首月免费) 流量:125G全国通用流...
10-18 325
华为P20 Pro 华为P20 荣耀10 华为畅享7S 华为畅享7 畅享7 Plus 畅享8/8E/Plus 荣耀畅玩7A 荣耀畅玩7C 荣耀畅玩7X 荣耀9青春版 荣耀9 华为荣耀V9 华为荣耀V10 荣耀V9 Play 荣...
10-18 325
(2)纸质版:一寸蓝底、二寸白底 二、上交的照片会在哪些场景里面运营呢 其实运用的场景还是很多的,所以还是好好拍一张吧,不然总是拿不出手 学生工作系统:用于学校各类活动、评奖、奖...
10-18 325