答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 There is a football under the desk. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 更多答案(1) 特别推荐 热点考点 ...
11-30 147
作业帮app造句 |
in front of造句简单一点,beside造句简单一点
in front of造句He was sprawling in the sofa in front of the TV.他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的沙发上。The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brain front of简单造句In front of is a preposition that is commonly used to describe the position of an object or person in relation to another object or person. It
in front of造句复制1、He was standingin front ofme in the line.(在队列中他站在我的前面。2、A car suddenly pulled outin front ofme.(一辆汽车突然由路边冲到我前in front of造句in front of造句1. The children were playing in front of the house, enjoying the warm sunshine. 2. The protesters gathered in front of the governme
6、In front of money andin front ofyou, I did not hesitate to choose you. 7、Don't walk behind others. The people in front will always fartin front oin front of 在(范围外)的前面There is a tree in front of the classroom.in the front of 在(范围内)的前面There is a blackboard in the front of
in front of英语造句,1、Her indiscretions happen regularly, in front of her children, and on camera.她暴躁的行为在孩子们面前,在镜头前面,都经常1. in front of:这个词组指的是相对于参照物外的“前面”。例句1:There is a big tree in front of the building.楼前有一棵大树。例句2:The bus stops right in front of our
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标签: beside造句简单一点
答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 There is a football under the desk. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 更多答案(1) 特别推荐 热点考点 ...
11-30 147
梓溪名字寓意是什么 梓:指落叶乔木。木材可供建筑及制造器物之用。梓字取名含义:梓指生机勃勃、茁壮成长、自强不息之义; 梓字取名的寓意 生机勃勃英姿飒爽积极进取 姓名测试八字起名八字精批 ...
11-30 147
曼瑶 菁茹 梓汐 柔洁 曼琦 谣莉 凌谣 欣冰 彤冉 松妙 偌婉 泽雪 颖薇 宣萱 紫萱 芷文 洛桐 迎舒 江离 佳沂 思芸 如冉 彩樱 慧之 玲瑞 红怡 琴娣 婉菲 辰彩 ...
11-30 147
依赖项中没有定义版本,所以如果我不提供版本名称以及为什么像上面那样给出会发生什么。请有人解释原因。 最佳答案 我不认为你可以在你的项目的普通依赖部分中做到这一点。我...
11-30 147
11-30 147