
isn't的近义词,isn't 的英语怎么说

Bing的释义 2023-10-13 17:11 647 墨鱼

isn't的近义词,isn't 的英语怎么说

9. Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn't a problem. 找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。10. If you have had a problem with the va两人对话在谈论某人或某事时,B对A的说法表示赞同,两句话的主语指同一人或事时,用正语序so he is/has/does/will/can,否定句中用so he isn’t/hasn’t/doesn’t

答案:isn't anything = is nothing 注:not anything = nothing 如:There isn't anything on the desk. = There isn't的近义词4. There isn't much to say about this one.没有太多的话要说,这一个。5. There isn't much for you to do.你要做的并不多。isn't的解释6. There isn't mu

Isn't it amazing!你看看。真叫人惊叹。amazing的近义词是:astonishing惊人的;surprising令人惊讶的,出人意料的..。amazing的近义词是:astonishing惊人的;surp其實是指:He isn’t a teacher. 他不是老師。She ain’t got no class. 其實是指:She has no class. 她沒有該有的樣子。Have no class其實指這個人缺乏基本

isn't是第三人称一般现在时,所以近义词有:第一人称一般现在时:am not 第三人称一般过去时:was not ……同理,don't的近义词有:doesn't、didn't等Isn’t=is not ISNinternal statement number [计] 内码isninternal statement number [计] 内码Isninternal statement number [计] 内码Tn. 1.英语字母的第二十个字母2

●▽● 『同近义词』pressure, enforce, oblige, compel vt. 强制,迫使pressure 英['preʃə] 美['prɛʃɚ] n. 压力;压迫,物] 压强vt. 迫使;密封;使……增压词根词缀:press- 压+ 它经常与缩写形式don't(do not)和doesn't(does not)一起使用。近义词:not isn't not isn't no 反义词:is is too is indeed 英语单词大全请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha


标签: isn't 的英语怎么说



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