

even though造句 2023-10-14 16:13 193 墨鱼
even though造句


an evil smell 难闻的气味* the evil hour/day/moment 倒霉的时候(或日子、时刻) the time when you have to do sth difficult or unpleasant I’d better go and see the dentistTheevilwound is cured but not the evilname. 重伤可治,恶名难去。We must do good rather thanevil, on however humble a scale. 勿因善小而不为,勿因恶小

双语例句1. When we go out, girls are always giving me the evil eye. 我们出去时,女孩子们总是用忌妒的眼神看着我。来自柯林斯例句2. Two and a half years ago I gave up the evil weedevil 相关例句形容词1. evil 1. The man was punished for his evil acts. 此人因其恶行受到惩罚。副词1. It went evil with him. 他的情况不妙。名词1. evil的意思1

比较级:eviler;eviller; 最高级:evilest;evillest; 实用场景例句全部邪恶的罪恶的有害的不幸的邪恶罪恶坏事恶行灾祸anevilman 恶棍牛津词典anevilgrin 狞笑牛英汉英英网络释义evil 显示所有例句adj. 1. 恶毒的;邪恶的enjoying harming others; morally bad and cruel 2. 有害的;道德败坏的having a harmful effect on people; mo

king's evil 【医】淋巴结结核,瘰疬四、参考例句:What an evil smell! 多么臭的气味!She is evil incarnate. 她是邪恶的化身。She is an evil woman例句与用法1.How do you knowevilspirits are with me ? 你怎么知道恶灵跟我在一起?2.Do n"t go along with them in theirevildeeds .. 别跟他们同流合污。3.The love of


标签: 虚词字的用法及例句



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