10-17 332
I'm so tired |
the way I still love you歌词,I am still
内容提示:The Way I Still Love You - Reynard Silva Not a single day goes by 度日如年You are running through my mind 你让我朝思暮想I know it's overYou can tell me the truth Or do you still love me The way that I still love you Just the other day I've seen you We caught up for a little while Yo
The way that I still love you Just the other day I've seen you We caught up for a little while You told me you were doing just fine Well it was good to see you smile The Way I Still Love You- Reynard Silva Not a single day goes by 度日如年You are running through my mind 你让我朝思暮想I know it's over but I can't deny 我知道
《The Way I Still Love You》歌词,《TheWayIStillLoveYou》歌词TheWayIStillLoveYou-ReynardSilvaNotasingledaygoesby度日如年Youarerunningthroughmymind你让我朝思暮想Iknowit'soYou can tell me the truth你大可对我诉诸事实Or do you still love me亦或许说你还深爱着我The way that I still love you如同我仍对你心心念念那般Just the other da
The way that I still love you 如同我仍对你心心念念那般Oh I know 噢我明白That I let love slip away 我自作自受错失真爱And I'm going insane all because I want yoh listen me the way I still love you 我依然爱着你Just as days are saging 日子一天天消逝you call it for a little while 你想稍作停歇it told me you
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标签: I am still
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