
return sth to sb造句,learn to do sth造句

remember to do sth造句 2023-10-15 11:08 149 墨鱼
remember to do sth造句

return sth to sb造句,learn to do sth造句

He will soon give back my money to me, I hope.=== He will soon return me my money., I hope He has just returned me the money that he borrowed two yeareturn sth to sb造句1. I need to return this book to the library before it's due. 2. Can you please return my phone to me? I left it at your house. 3. The store

movement and residence within the borders of each State, and to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country daccess-ods.un 又重申在每一国returnsthtosb发音意思翻译返回HTOSB 相似词语短语returning to college───重返大学return of investment───投资回报;经] 投资利润,投资报酬purchase returns

新概念英语1:return的用法return v. 归还,返回n. 往返return sb. sth. = return sth. to sb. = give sth. back to sb. 把某物还给某人例:Please return me my money by F1.Indeed, I should be sorry to look like him.说真的,我象他才倒楣啦。2.I know they will be sorry to see you return home so soon.我知道他们一定不舍得你回

˙﹏˙ return sth.to sb.=return sb.sthreturn sth.to sb.或return sb.sth.把某物还给某人,相当于give sth.back to sb./ give sb.back sth.结果一题目return sth.to sb.=return 2. 把某物还给某人翻译neither nor feel show sb around 带某人到处逛逛return sth to sb把某物还给某人keep clean 保持清洁zhidao.baidu|基于25个网

˙▂˙ 9. owe sth to sb; owe sb sth 10. can/could/be able to afford to do sth 11. think highly/well of; speak highly/well of 12. the cruelty of war 13. shout at the top of onI returned the book to my friend yesterday..


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