

such as造句简单 2023-12-25 20:01 481 墨鱼
such as造句简单


The teacher did her best to cheer me on when I was about to give up. 当我快要放弃时老师尽力鼓励我。Come on! We should cheer up! 加油!我们都要振作起来!on造句简单3.在发生的,在进行的The strike is still on. 现在仍在罢工。4.菜单上有的,供应的I'd like to have some salmon if it is on. 如果有大马哈鱼供应,我想来一点。5.【俚】知情的6.【美】【俚

(1)微笑微笑让人觉得有亲和力,觉得你自信活泼,在评分中占一定的比重!!!不要板着脸,尤其是小学答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报the apple is on the desk 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题用on造句,on的意思是通过我是篮球

④chatting on the Internet brings me a lot of fun.(或者online chatting) ⑤The girlfriend on the Internet hurts me a lot. 以上就是简单句写作的全部内容,虽然简单,但是很重on造句好工具造句栏目为您提供2023年的on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了on的解释、近反义词和

on 造句简单而短1. I put on my coat before leaving the house. 2. The TV was on when I entered the room. 3. She turned on the lights as soon as she entered the roo1.My cooking is of the quick and simple variety.我做饭菜属于既快捷又简单的那一类。2.In school, he was not one of the achievers.上学时他不属于拔尖的

解析Please turn on the Tv. My book is on the desk. Your pen is on the table. My coat is on the bed. Turn on the light. 结果一题目用ON造句5个答案Please turn 小学常用英语单词短句:on 学习英语单词不仅知识会拼写,知道它的意思,更重要的是还要知道如何运用它,会用它组词造句,这篇文章我们就来整理几个关于on的英语短句


标签: 用on造句并翻译六年级



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