

Whatever造句 2023-10-11 20:13 885 墨鱼


单词Strange 例句大全,用单词Strange造句:When a man is not a man, he is astrangeone. 人非人,非常人!When a man is not a man ,he is astrangeone . 人非人。非常人。strange造句如下:1. There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane.在飞机上有个奇怪的人坐在我身

>△< He caught sight of a strange thing, a handless arm that seemed to be waving towards him, and a face of three large dark spots on white. 他一眼瞥见一只怪物,一只没strange造句复制1、There's somethingstrangeabout him.(他有点怪。2、The speed at which everything moved feltstrange.(一切进展的速度让人感觉怪异。3、We were sp

I'm looking forward to the exam,strangeas it may seem . 别人可能感到奇怪——我在盼望这场考试。牛津词典There was somethingstrangeabout her eyes. 她的眼睛有些异常29、This world is verystrange, because it is a mechanization.

造句:A strange thing happened this morning. 今天上午发生了一件怪事。It is a strange thing. 这是一件奇怪的事。There was something strange about her eyes. 她的眼strange造句strange造句如下:1. There was this strange man sitting next to me on the plane.在飞机上有个奇怪的人坐在我身旁。2. He has some very strange


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