

用moon造句 2023-07-12 18:08 834 墨鱼


moon造句1、They were the first men to land on themoon.(他们是首批登上月球的人。2、Themoon was full, the sky clear.(圆月碧空。3、Look at thatmoon. Is that beadead造句简单如下:1、Let the dead bury the dead. 2、Dead-alive, as good as dead 3、Dead riches, dead hands, the moon. 4、I'm dead inside. 5、dead reckoning analog

moon造句1、The moon was rising in the inky sky. 月亮升起在墨似的夜空中。2、If it is, then the moon will become a possible choice for space travel in the futuremoon英语造句,1、The moon was rising in the inky sky.月亮升起在墨似的夜空中。2、If it is, then the moon will become a possible c

∪△∪ 五、造句练习在前面的文章中,我们学习了英文中简单句的造句方法,也就是5大基本句型。今天,我们来看看英语中最简单的复杂句,并列句。一、简单句vs 复杂句首先,我们要知道的是,单词Moon 例句大全,用单词Moon造句:Somebody's honeymoonhas already begun. 有人的蜜月生活已经开始了。But astronauts have already been to themoon. 但是宇航员已经去

∪﹏∪ 1.We eat moon cakes and watch the moon.吃月饼,观赏月亮。2.(of the moon) after full moon comes the waning moon.(月亮的)满月之后是月亏。3.The moon is rising calm 皓月moonqshine 鬼畜制作人/原创音乐人选猫狗。往最和平、野心最小了说,我将拥有全世界最大的广告传媒公司。命令猫狗在街边、家里、每处有人的地方,在地面、墙上用爪子写字,写什

admire造句「admire造句简单翻译」请用admire the moon造句The mooncakes were used to be the sacrifice offered to the moon when people went outside to admire the fair moomoon造句31、The spaceman will drive hismooncar around to study themoon. 32、First my gaze toward themoon, but themoonshines on the ditch. 33、A sol


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