

plane造句简单 2023-10-16 17:08 205 墨鱼


●ω● 1、Weekday Lunch 工作日午餐2、weekday Learn 平日3、Weekday Evenings 平日晚上例句:1、There are several free hours every weekday.每个工作日都有几个小1、On a recent weekday she interrupted her workday to take her son to the doctor.最近一个工作日她忙里偷闲带儿子去看医生。2、You need to avoid riding during weekd

1. weekday 1. 周日:我想8月下半月去个周日(weekday)下班后的,尝酒的event,并且想看有没一些*很*喜欢酒的同学,可以一起去. 2. 星期几:/这个方法将取得某年(year)第几周(weeI go hiking with my friends in the weekend

?0? 单词wednesday 例句大全,用单词wednesday造句:Another two onwednesday. 星期三又割了两个It's at seven onWednesday. 星期三7点。AB Fifth was that aWednesday 阿瑟5号22、For many years he has insisted on working no more than eight hours a day and he even has a 20-minute nap onweekdays. 23、Meggie is the first thea

英文例句大全为您提供weekday英文例句大全,词语weekday造句,关于weekday的句子,weekday怎么造句,weekday英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于weekday,weekday的句子,weekday如weekdays造句1、I only work onweekdaysnot Saturday or Sunday. 我只在周日工作,星期六或星期天除外。2、What pleasantweekdayswe have! 我们有什么愉快的工作日!3、What

1、weekdaymeetings;aweekdaycommute. 2、weekdayopening times 3、Boxing day: the firstweekdayafter Christmas. 4、But these are not ordinaryweekdaycomm一般现在时造句10个简单1. I go to school every day. 我每天都去上学。2. She cooks dinner for her family every night. 她每晚都会做晚餐给家人吃。3. He works from 9


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