

对相貌提问英文三种 2023-07-27 22:47 898 墨鱼


两者的区别:1、what通常用于对长时间的特征提问,例如:what does he look like? He is a handsome young man.2、h解析提问外貌不用How,而用What does sb look like?如:What does he look like?He is short and fat.结果一题目how提问外貌的英文句答案提问外貌不用How,而用What doe

How much is the book?=What is the price of the book? How much are the books?=What is the price of the books? 21.问温度What is the temperature?温度是多少?It is about 2描写外貌的“袅袅婷婷地”改为描写状态的“casually”,对手臂细致的描写简化为“slender arms”。

一个人的外部外貌特征(由表及里) 描述一个人的身高和体型Describing height and build My brother is tall and well-built. 我的弟弟长得高,且身材匀称。My friend Lia is medi询问外貌的英语句型1. What is your appearance like?(你的外貌怎么样? 2. Can you describe your physical features?(你能描述一下你的外貌特征吗? 3. How would you des

第三种:How do you like his/her face?例如,如果我们想问一个人的外貌特征,可以用这样的句型:“What does he/she look like?”“What is he/she like?”描述外貌的英语句子描述外貌的英语句⼦ 1. 脸型(face): r

询问外貌的三种英语句型如下:1、Whats his/her look?他/她看起来怎么样?2、What does he/she look like?他/她看起来怎么样?3、How does he/she look like?他/问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?What does sb. look like?How does sb like/find sth? 扩展资料问外貌的三种英语句型:What is sb. like?某人怎么样,


标签: 提问人的外貌和性格用英语



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