
changes in the way we live翻译,rather翻译

we 2023-12-16 11:36 470 墨鱼

changes in the way we live翻译,rather翻译

achange in the way we live 改变就象我们居住的[translate]unit 1 changes in the way we live unit 2 givil-rights heroes unit 3 security unit 4 imagination and creativity unit 5 giving thanks unit 6 the huma

Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Language Points of Text A: I.Words and Expression 1>get around/ round to sth./ doing sth.: finally do sth. after dealing with otAnd the way I feel, can't stand it 我的感情无法接受Mmm, baby, I don't understand this 我不理解的是You're c

The world we live in today is undergoing complex and profound changes当今世界正经历复杂而深刻的变化。The world we live in is full of all kinds of trees在这个我翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部相关内容adecison body for the activation of it DRP 决定身体为活化作用它DRP[translate] a目前你在忙些什么At present you

Oh,and by the way,the suit ,it wasn't cheap. 哦,顺便说一下,这套装,它可不便宜You ought to know,you bought it. 你应该知道,你们买的(意指小丑偷黑帮的那笔钱买来了小丑) Let'Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.--- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe In a progressive country change is constant


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