

新概念一134课课后题答案 2023-10-17 18:02 961 墨鱼


新概念英语第二册第十四课课后习题答案2015年2月10日内容提示:新概念英语第二册第十四课课后习题答案Lesson 14 1. b 根据课文第3 行I stopped and he asked me for a l答案:  Lesson 24   A   1 Give Jane this watch. Give her this one, too.  2 Give the children these ice creams. Give them these, too.  3 Give Tom this bo

推荐>>新概念英语学习实用工具》》》领取:新东方名师3节体验课《《《适合入门1册,适合8-9岁孩子夯实2册,适合13-14岁孩子拔高3册,适合16-17岁孩子新概念新概念21-24课后答案解析.pdf,Unit One(Lesson 1-Lesson 24) Lesson 1 l .b 选b 最为正确。因为a. d .都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑;c . 的意思是“他

+▂+ 答案:Lesson 24 A 1 Give Jane this watch. Give her this one, too.2 Give the children these ice creams. Give them these, too.3 Give Tom this book. Give h所以b.是答案。篇2:电路原理课后习题答案2电路原理课后习题答案2 第五版《电路原理》课后作业第一章“电路模型和电路定律”练习题1-1说明题1-1图(a)、b)中:

新概念英语第一册课后练习题答案:Lesson 24 Lesson 24 阅读理解答案与解析1. 从I like a white blouse and a red skirt. 能够看出,她是一个女孩。要回答:S1. a 根据课文第3-4行We are now living in abeautiful new house in the country. Work on it had begun before my sister left 可以判断只有a. When she see

Thisisthetest.Ispoketoyouaboutit.4Sheisthewoman.Ireadabouther.5Thisissomethingnew.Ithoughtaboutit.6Thisissomething.Imustdecideaboutit.答案:Lesson124A1SheisthewomanIdro新概念英语第一册124课课后练习答案Key to written exercisesA 1 She is the woman I drove to London. 2 That's the film I saw. 3 That's the man I spoke


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