
用call in造句,call in造句带翻译

call for造句 2023-10-15 22:40 109 墨鱼
call for造句

用call in造句,call in造句带翻译

call in造句1、The local tourist office should be your first port of call in any town.当地旅游局应该是你到任何一个城镇的第一站。2、My bank wants to call in my percall in造句复制1、I'll take thecall inmy office.(我要在办公室里接这个电话。2、The local tourist office should be your first port ofcall inany town.(当地旅游局

●0● 1、call in/into question 2、Leaving acall inprogress without notice. 3、I'll take thecall inmy office. 4、Theycall ina public relation outfit. 5、sequence call的造句和例句:1. At certain specified points in the execution sequence called sequence points所谓顺序节点是编译术语,是指执行顺序中的一个指定位置(节点

visit,pop in,drop in,drop by,come by 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 招,请,叫(医生等);叫进;引入,引起;调入2. 回收(通货等) 3. 来访4. 打电话到服务单位,请假5. 同“call”Hello, this is the Browns. I'm not at home right now. Please call me at 1234567. 你好,这里是布朗家。我现在不在家

≡(▔﹏▔)≡ Call in to this radio station and ask the governor a question.打电话到这个电台,问负责人一个问题。解析:ask sb (about) sth 表示询问某人关于某事。I have to call in1.Call him if the manager doesn't wake up in time. 你们经理到时醒不来,就叫醒他。2.I call that a shame. 我认为那是一种耻辱。3.My brother called me


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