
take me to the river歌词大意,me

take me to your heart歌词 2023-10-17 18:52 139 墨鱼
take me to your heart歌词

take me to the river歌词大意,me

Take me to the river Wash me down She cleans my soul Put my feet on the ground I don’t know why you treated me so bad After the things we could haThe theme of life is that in the face of complex, keep happy.  生活的主题就是:面对复杂,保持欢喜。一首非常高级的宝藏级歌曲,一秒沦陷。单曲循环中,沉迷在迷幻

∩▽∩ Take me to the river带我去河边吧And wash me down在那为我清洗身体Won't you cleanse my soul你会净化我的灵魂吗And put my feet on the ground oh让我双脚着地Take me to the river anTake me to the river是Talking Heads相当重要的一支单曲,它不但让这支来自纽约CBGB的art rock乐队第一次冲上了榜单的前30,而且它还让一直以来躲在nerd面具下自说自话的David Byrne

带我去这条河我不知道为什么我爱你不喜欢我所有这些变化后,你把我通过你偷了我的钱和我的香烟我还没有看到,也不隐瞒你的头发还我想知道你不告诉我我的爱takemetotheriver中文翻译takemetotheriver中文意思是:带我去那河边;带我到河边;带我到河边去;©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库协议|

+^+ Oh how I'd love to be there But I might need somebody I might need somebody Got my hands out tell me do you see it But I might need somebody oh Take me to the river I'm 网络请带我去到河边;带我到河边;带我到河边去网络释义1. 请带我去到河边Blue mountain river, 请带我去蓝山河Take me to the river,请带我去到河边I lay down by your


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