

forget 2023-12-27 16:29 164 墨鱼


e.g.tom’sfather,whoisoversixty,stillworksharddayandnight.(who引导非限制*定语从句,整个句子可分成两句来翻译) (三)使用定语从句时特别注意的几个问题1、that与which的区别。My name is Adam and I’m a freshman at senior high school. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. The first w

schoolisover中文翻译schoolisover中文翻译:放学例句:1.When school is over, I want to stay. 放学了,我想呆在学校。2.All these exercises must be finished before s规律:动词不定式在句中作主语时,常放在It is +adj.(形容词)+to do sth.或It is +n.(名词)+to do sth.句型中,it仅作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。练一练:It’s so easy for m

英语翻译It seems school children all over the world complain about their school food.Cherie Blair,the wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair,said that shAmong college students, there is a heated debate over wheth-er they need to commit time and energy to developing social skills. Many believe that su

╯ω╰ School is over at 3:30. Usually he plays games or do 8 things and gets home at about 5:15. He eats supper at 6:00 and then 9 , then he watches TV. H意思翻译小型学校相似词语短语small───adj.少的,小的;微弱的;几乎没有的;不重要的;幼小的;n.(Small)人名;英)斯莫尔;adv.小小地;卑鄙地;n.小件物品;矮小的人school─

●0● a压力本身并不是一件坏事Pressure itself is not a misdemeanor[translate] a大城市能让儿童受到良好的教育,开阔视野The big city can let the child receive the good eduWelcome back to school! Ss: Hello, Miss Nice to see you again. T: Nice to see you ,too. 2)T: What time is it? (可以课前在黑板上画一个钟面,张开手


标签: children



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