
associate with造句,thereisnosuchthingas造句

constantly造句 2023-10-16 17:58 116 墨鱼

associate with造句,thereisnosuchthingas造句

句子1:In the China of Cultural Revolution, it was dangerous to associate with foreigners and anti-revolutionists. 句子2:Rivals, however, argue that Zara is in fac21、When you are on the way to fortune,associate withthe eminent; when arrived with the mediocre. 22、Free body" be can with freeassociate withyou,

associate with造句1. I don't want to associate with people who are always negative and bring me down. 2. It's important to associate with people who have similarassociate with 基本解释与…交往,联系;交接;蹑足其间;轧;associate with 双语例句1. Business and leisure travelers visiting the area will enjoy the same high-qual

I don't associate with that crowd. 我不跟那伙人打交道。I'm very selective about the people I associate with. 我与他人来往极慎重,不滥交。Don't assassociate with 联合;与…联系在一起;和…来往例句:She didn't want to associate with the likes of me. 她不想与我这种类型的人交往。This courtly poetry came out of

(=`′=) associate造句associate造句1. He is an associate at the law firm, assisting the senior lawyers with their cases. 他是一家律师事务所的助理,协助高级律师处理案件。2类型英语造句1、For Jews do notassociate with Samaritans.(原来犹太人和撒马利亚人没有来往。2、For example, one echo they quickly identify is the one theyassociate


标签: thereisnosuchthingas造句



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