1、用户可以在希沃白板通过课堂活动功能来帮助我们进行抽取,在上方的功能栏找到此功能即可开始创建: 2、弹出课堂活动节目,在超级分类中选择一个“基础模板”,点...
12-14 534
raisedover什么意思 |
College life can be a great experience. Freshmen usually have many expectations of college life. Many students look forward to college and are eagerover-competitive什么意思,over-competitive翻译例句You"re being a little over-competitive, don"t you think? 你不觉得你有点过于积极了?Members of IBM"s fab club de
Federal regulations give preference to sealed bidding over contracting by negotiation, that is sealed bids over competitive proposals, if. 相对谈判订约方式,联邦法overcompetitive 词典搜索结果参考译文网页版维护中,请下载客户端继续使用。帮助我们改进翻译结果提交新单词词条:建议释义:单词出处或所在的句子:提示:如果您希望
英文10-垄断竞争FourTypesofIndustries ImperfectlyCompetitiveMarkets MonopolyMonopolisticCompetition Manyfirmssellingproductsthataresimilarbutnotidentical.Oligopoly Onlyafewsellers,eaPaul: Jule? You're being a little over-competitive, don't you think? Julia: Well, you should've seen the way those men looked at me. As if I were som
本期视频就带着大家来实际演练一下如何在PTE写作中输出正确观点,接下来的视频里我会为大家讲解一道我们写作中近期出现的新题: What are the advantages and tI propose a model of ‘‘peer-group-assessed-grant-based-funding-system’’combined with tenure system and over-competitive research funding review process. It i
“allowing for more competition in electricity generation, sales and consumption while tightening government regulation of power grid, transmission and distributiSports are by nature competitive. But recently, the over-competitive nature youth sports seem to have taken on has led to cause for ___. Those who are strongly ag
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标签: presideover造句
1、用户可以在希沃白板通过课堂活动功能来帮助我们进行抽取,在上方的功能栏找到此功能即可开始创建: 2、弹出课堂活动节目,在超级分类中选择一个“基础模板”,点...
12-14 534
1:1 保罗第三次布道旅程中,在拜访以弗所(参徒 19:1-20:1 )期间,写了这封哥林多前书。保罗与哥林多教会很熟悉,因为他曾在第二次布道旅程中在那里住了十八个月(参徒 18:1-18 )...
12-14 534
12-14 534
12-14 534
空军力量对比:1:10 朝鲜空军约有11万人,装备有朝鲜战争时期的107架米格-17战斗机和80架伊尔28轰炸机,超过100架上世纪50年代中期的米格-19战斗机,120架上世纪60...
12-14 534