

用宾格him造句简单 2023-10-16 22:01 248 墨鱼


●0● 一、用him造句?① 1、I didn't use to like him much when we were at school. 以前我们同学时,我并不太喜欢他。2、The project is still causing him a lot用his造句子最简单1. His name is John, and he is a doctor. 2. His favorite color is blue, and he loves to wear blue shirts. 3. His car is a red sports car, and he

his英语造句,1、He danced on his hind legs,then on his front legs.它先是用后腿跳着舞步,而后用前腿。2、When he saw no trace of his m21. The expression on his face changed from sympathy to surprise. 他脸上的表情从同情变为惊讶。22. I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Swit

his造句1、His action reflected dishonor on his family. 2、His bedroom's his inner sanctum. 3、His grandson is his namesake. 4、His words electrified his listener用wisely造句简单松手2022-5-9 初中英语1.He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature.2.But not all the money, to put it mildl

his造句复制1、hisgut sagged out overhisbelt.(他的肚腩垂在腰带上。2、hisarms were limp athissides.(他的手臂无力地垂在两侧。3、hischin rested onhishands.(他双用wisely造句简单1.He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature. 2.But not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely. 3.The three of u

20、He funnelledhishands.1、His mama loves him very much.他妈妈非常爱他。2、This is his book,I don't know what it's about.这是他的书,我不知道这是关于什么的书。3、We can bor


标签: their造句简单些短一点英语



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